
AHK World Business Outlook – Spring 2021


German companies abroad largely optimistic

The AHK World Business Outlook is based on a biannual survey of member companies of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK). More than 4,500 German companies, branches and subsidiaries, as well as companies with close ties to Germany in over 70 markets took part in the survey in March and April 2021.

The survey report shows clear signs of improvement in many regions around the world since the last survey in autumn 2020: 45% of German companies abroad assess their business situation as positive, while only 14% report a negative situation.

Nevertheless, many companies are reporting ongoing issues with regard to their supply chains or logistics. Over 95% of respondents from Hong Kong mentioned travel restrictions as a particular challenge – more than in any other market. Meanwhile, 69% of German companies in Greater China expect a positive economic development in the next 12 months.

Read the official press release and download the full report in German language.

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